Live, Connect, Believe
“In Christ’s body we’re all connected to each other.” Ephesians 4:25

It is amazing what can happen when we are not connected. Think about a time that you were not connected in a conversation. Someone was talking and you were not paying much attention. At some point you realized (and so did they) that you weren’t connected. Ever been on a phone conversation with a bad connection. I talked for fifteen minutes one day on a dropped call and didn’t know it until they called back. There may have even been a time that a movie was on television. You had the channel turned to the right station, your eyes were on the show, but you couldn’t remember what had happened in the last five minutes of the movie. You were not connected. Usually, in those moments, you realize that something else had your attention, so much so, that you were not connected as you should have been. Maybe it was with your spouse, your kids, or your teacher at school. It could have been your boss or an employee at work. A lack of connection brought problems and frustration on your part and on the part of someone else. Living life is not easy when we are not connected.
So what is it like when you are not connected to the Body of Christ? Paul says in Ephesians that we are all connected to each other because of Christ’s body. That may be true theoretically. But think what it is like when there are people in the body of Christ that are not connected to each other. Sure, Jesus is our connection point, but we also need to be connected to one another in the body of Christ. We need to support, care for, and help each other. We need to be there to listen, laugh with, and enjoy our brothers and sisters in Christ. We need to Live for God, we need to be connected to each other, and we need to believe in His word.
In 2013, here at LCB we are going to focus on the words Live, Connect, Believe. In 2013, we are going to strive to Live our lives for God. In 2013, we are going to strive to Connect to each other. In 2013, we are going to strive to Believe deeply in His word. We took the first three letters of Logansport, Church and Brethren and came up with our call as a community. God wants us here at LCB to Live, Connect, and Believe. I was convinced in 2012 that the Lord has a good life that is worth living. There is not a doubt in my heart that being connected to each other will make life much better. And as I finished reading the Bible through in the last two years I know that His word is worth believing.
What does God have in store for us in 2013? Well, none of us know that for sure. But I am convinced of this; while 2013 may be filled with lots of thoughts, opportunities and messages, we can be sure that God is calling us to Live, Connect, and Believe.
In His Love, Pastor Aaron