I am sitting at my desk this morning laughing about my stinky feet story yesterday. At least my shoes don't smell today. The room seems fresh and clean and my feet are still present. LOL! If you don't understand this story then you must have missed church yesterday. It was good for a laugh and hopefully a point. There are lots of people that really feel cruddy spiritually. Most of those people don't know what to do about it. We have the answer and his name is Jesus.
What will you do to clean up a stinky world this week? That was really the point yesterday. I don't have to tell anyone that this world stinks some of the time. You don't have to look very far to find smelly people doing stinky things. While watching the news this morning, I saw where a 13 year old Ohio teen was found bound and gagged in the basement of a man's home. Her three family members are still missing. Stinky! A hit and run killed five bikers and injured six others and the driver has not been found. Stinky! Resuable shopping bags found to contain lead. Bags are from China: suprised? Stinky! Stinky! Stinky! This world is pretty stinky some times. What can I do about it?
The problem with these stories is that I feel helpless and unable to make a difference. I can't make the creep that kidnapped the girl, the hit and run driver, or the company in China that made the bags change. These are big issues. So often, the stink seems so stinky that I don't feel that I can make a difference. It is as if the world is made of limberger cheese. And in these three situations maybe I can't. But let's reframe our thoughts for a minute. I may not be able to change the world but I can change the world for one person. Think about that for a minute. I may not be able to change the world but I can change the world for one person. Jesus didn't change the world when he washed the disciple's feet. He only changed the world for twelve men. Funny thing is, only one of those men even recorded the event for future generations. Jesus bowed his knee to twelve men and washed their stinky feet. In that moment, there were only twelve men who felt the cool, refreshing water. And the service those men received helped them to go out and serve others.
What will you do this week to wash someone's feet? Some of you may want to plan something. Maybe you know someone who can't afford groceries this week and you will pick them up a sack or two. It could be a single mom that needs baby sitting for one evening so she can get some work done. There are lots of opportunities at the Emmaus Center, the Salvation Army, or even with members of our congregation that could use some help. Or maybe this week you just need to walk around with your eyes open to opportunities. There are feet everywhere that need to be washed. Don't pull off a shoe but give a helping hand. Seek out an opportunity or see an opportunity and respond. Bend a knee and serve someone who has a need.
Sunday's sermon was great! Too many people judge others before even thinking about "washing" someone's feet. If Jesus can wash someone's feet then I don't see why others struggle with it so. I guess I know what it is like to need to have someone "wash" my feet, share the love of Jesus with me. I would hate to think that someone's feet remained "dirty" because I was to busy to stop and kneel.