It is so easy to get cought up in unimportant things. I will watch my three children spending more time arguing about whose turn it is to feed the dogs than it takes to feed them. I would swear sometimes that they would let the dogs die of hunger before one of them would give in and feed them. In my mind, the major issue is that the dogs need fed. The minor issue is who will feed them. But to them the minor issue is that the dogs get fed and the major issue is who is going to do it.
In the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31, we have a major and minor issue. Often the minor issue so grips us that we miss what Jesus really wanted us to know. Let me tell you the story. A rich man, who was dressed in purple is living in luxury every day. He has all that he wants and all that he needs. But on the steps of his house sits a poor man named Lazarus. He is covered with sores and hungry. Lazarus hopes that he can eat the scraps that fall from the rich man's table. Both men die. The rich man is delivered to hell and the poor man is guided by the angels to Abraham's side. The rich man looks across the chasm between Heaven and Hell and asks for Lazarus to dip his finger in water and touch his tongue to quench the fire in his mouth. Abraham said that Lazarus can't get there. So the rich man pleads with Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers to warn them of the torment of Hell. Verse 29-31, "Abraham replied, 'they have Moses and the prophets; let them listen to them.' 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.' Abraham said to him, 'if they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'"
In the last week, I have had a number of conversations about, "Abraham's side." It is the place that Lazarus went after he died. Most of the questions have centered around where a Christian goes after he dies. I have heard that people stay in the grave until Jesus returns, I have heard that there is a holding place, I have heard that we go straight to heaven, and all comments have included scripture in their answer. Let me lovingly say as your pastor that this is the minor in the text. Everyone falls into the trap of majoring in this minor. It is a great question and fun to think about. But can I say that the major comes at the very end of the text. Abraham says, "they will not be convinced even is someone rises from the dead." Someone did rise from the dead. His name was Jesus. And even after the most amazing event in history people still do not believe. God's son came to this earth and took on human flesh. He died the most horific death imaginable. And after three days he rose from the dead as the Savior of the world! Salvation was attained for mankind through death and the proof of salvation through a resurrection. And still, people do not believe.
Jesus wanted us to know that heaven is real, hell is hot, and eternity is long. There is a place of eternal peace and we will be beside Abraham there. And there is a place of eternal torment and the rich, well dressed, well fed, only concerned about himself rich man in the text is still there. He is hoping someone will put his finger in a glass of water and touch his tongue 2000 years later. We are given a choice as to where we want our eternity to be. And even a man like Jesus raising from the dead will not change the minds of some.
If I spend some time in a holding place, go to heaven immediately, or even have to wait for the trumpet call to get to heaven that is a minor issue. Fact is, I am still getting heaven. And those who have confessed and believe will be there as well. And those who do not confess and do not believe that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead; well, there is a place for them as well. In my mind, that is the major point that God wants us to know. Sure it is fun to seek the answers to Abraham's side, but don't miss eternity in the process.
In His Love,
Pastor Aaron
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