that we sent in a grant request to the Lilly Endowment. And on June 23, 2012 we received word that we were one of twenty two pastor's families in the state of Indiana who received a Sabbath Rest. Now, for the last year, we have prayed, planned, and pondered what this summer would hold. It really never sunk in until the tickets for Rome came in the mail two weeks ago. But a deeper sense of reality struck when we saw the sign in front of the church this week. On May 26, Peggy and I will leave the comfort of our church family for a fourteen week experience of a lifetime.
It is hard for me to describe the emotion that I am feeling at this moment. I really don't know why I have been so emotional. Day after day my eyes fill with tears and a ball forms in my throat. I have a hard time with words and have found myself quiet even in the presence of my family. Peggy said that it is because I don't have any control for the next fourteen weeks around here. (Probably some truth to that for a control freak like me.) Maybe it is the the incredible blessing and honor of receiving such a prestigious award. Lord knows that I don't feel worthy of such a great blessing. Maybe it is the
So, the tent is up out back, the hog has been butchered, and the date of my departure has come. Know that in the coming weeks and months, I will miss you all greatly. My pastor's heart wants me to stay but my desire to be a better minister for Christ pushes me to go. Throughout the coming months, I will be posting here quite often. There will be pictures and stories that many of you will want to see and hear. I will show you the places where I will be praying for each of you by name. I will share with you what the Lord is teaching me. And I will give you some of the fun stuff as well. So visit this site often this summer and see what God is doing. And when you see what's up, say a prayer for us. And know that we will be doing the same for you. Love you all, Pastor Aaron
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