WOW!!! What an evening! It was so great to see so many of my church family at the Ken Davis concert on Saturday. It was wonderful to see McHale filled with people from our community for this special event. It was wonderful to see Brian present Jason from the Emmaus Center a check for $5000.00. It was wonderful to hear the message from Ken about living life to the fullest. It was wonderful to be a part of such a grand evening! A special thanks to Brian King who poured his love and energy into this event. And to the Sabbatical Team for giving back to the community since we have been blessed by God in so many ways. And thanks to the volunteers who gave of their time to make this evening great! And let us not forget to thank the Good Lord who made this all available to us. God has been so good to us as a congregation and we need to make sure that we are praising His Holy Name this summer.
Back to the concert;

It is amazing to me that the message that Ken Davis shared on Saturday has been the message that has been on my heart all summer. It has been the course of my study. It has been the prayer that I have lifted up to Jesus day after day. I do not want to be one of those people who spend their whole life waiting to die. I know lots of Christians who are so looking forward to the afterlife that they missed living this life. Don't get me wrong; I am looking forward to living eternally with Jesus, but I believe God wants us to live fully for Him today. God wants us to enjoy living. Think about this, God could have done away with this life and just sent us all to heaven to begin with. Since He did not do this, life must be important to God: living must be important to God for He gave us life. I believe the words of Paul in Philippians, "If I am to go on living in the body this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me" (Philippians 1:22-26). Paul got the fact that it was better for him (and us) to be with Christ. But, that does not mean that we should not live life fully in the joy of Christ today! Paul was here for the progress and JOY of the faith. Living a life filled with joy. I have determined that I will live for Christ while I have breath in my lungs. I will serve Christ while I have power in my muscles. I will think about Christ while I have grey matter in my skull. And then, after my life is over, I will live with Christ in worship and praise to Him throughout eternity.

I had someone who said to me a few months ago, "I have figured out Jeremy and Jessica, but that Jenna, I just can't peg her." As many of you know, Jenna is a little different than my other two children. They all have their own personalities but Jenna is a little different than the other two. I said to this person, "I have Jenna pegged perfectly. Jenna just loves to live! She loves life and lives it fully! Every day is a new day with new possibilities and Jenna lives that day to its fullest. She doesn't regret yesterday and she doesn't worry about tomorrow, she just lives." Jenna has figured out what it means to be fully alive in Christ at eight. She has something in her that most adults have missed. Maybe that is why Jesus calls us to have a child like faith. We need to be more like Jenna and not worry so much about what we did yesterday. Maybe we need to be more like Jenna and not worry so much about what tomorrow holds. Instead, we need to live for Christ today. God gives us life, let's live it. Christ gives us salvation, let's enjoy it. The Holy Spirit gives us power, let's use it and live!!!
Pastor Aaron
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