Thanks for Showing Up!

I know that there are lots of important places on the web where you could be. This isn't one of the nicest or most thought provoking but it is a place where you can find balance in your daily life. So take some time away from a hectic world and spend some time adding stability to your day.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wishy Washy

Peggy and I had an evening without the kids and decided to go out for dinner. We were in Kokomo and had recently visited a new restaurant and loved their onion rings. On  the way there, we decided that we were going to get an appetizer of their wonderful onion rings and split a meal. But when we got there, things changed. As we sat down, the waitress handed us a menu and we began to look at all the wonderful options. Suddenly, our minds were open to possibilities that were not present in the car. I had been thinking pulled pork, but their catch of the day looked like a better choice. Peggy saw the smothered chicken, what a terrible way to die, and thought that sounded good. By the time the waitress returned we decided on fish, chicken and no onion rings. When the meal came we were both disappointed. I thought the fish had a batter on it, instead it was breaded. Peggy's chicken was just okay but the veggies were tough and salty. At the end of the meal, we left disappointed. 

What was the problem with our meal? It was not the food that was the problem. The problem was that Peggy and I were not resolute about our decision. Remember why we went to that restaurant? We wanted onion rings and pulled pork. We ended up with fish and the real white meat. We allowed choices to deter our desires and ended up not happy with what we had done. Does that sound familiar? We have a plan, then we get other options, then we tinker with our plan, we make a different choice, and in the end we are not happy with our actions. 

There is a name for this type of living. It is called being wishy washy. says wishy washy is, "lacking in decisiveness; without strength or character; irresolute." We see it in politics all the time. Politicians never give a straight answer. Instead they seem wishy washy when they speak. Their "yes" in never a yes and their "no" is often a maybe. Let's not get political because we all do the same thing. It is easy to be wishy washy on many things. I grounded Jessica for the rest of her life one day; now she is not grounded, so evidently, I was wishy washy on that. Jenna does things that Jeremy would have never got away with. That seems wishy washy (Really the kids just wore us down). And there are days I sit at my desk and wonder what direction I should lead the church and that too can be wishy washy at times. It is not always easy to be resolute.

If you are reading our year through the bible at church, I hope you noticed a statement made in Luke 9. It is one that you should remember as you read the next couple of weeks. It says in Luke 9:51, "Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem." Why is that important? Let me say that Jesus had many other options in front of him. There were a number of people that needed healed. Jesus could have stuck around and took care of their needs instead of heading to his death. The Pharisees could have been converted if Jesus just proved, as he did on the mount of transfiguration, that he was the Christ. Jesus could have headed in a different direction to get away from the beating he would receive in Jerusalem. Being fully God, he knew the pain that was before him in the city. Peter will try to get Jesus to change his mind. We see times where if Jesus would have been wishy washy the Pharisee's, Sadducee's, and people would have loved him more and not killed him. But Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. He would not change his message. He would not change his plans. Jesus would not change his mind. His plan was Jerusalem, his purpose was the cross, and the decision was made.

How resolute are you? Maybe dinner is not easy to plan and disciplining your kids varies on how tired you are. But how resolute are you on eternal principles? How effective is your resolve to reading your bible, to pray, to witness, to invite your friends to church? Do you have a resolve to attend church weekly, tithe off of every paycheck, serve when the opportunity arises, show up at a small group and develop new friends, to feed someone who is hungry, to come to bible study so you can learn and grow, to pray at meals, to lead your children in devotions, and to fast from worldly things to get your mind back on God? (The list could go on but I imagine that is enough for now) So much of what I have just mentioned is about resolve. It requires us to not be wishy washy. It requires us to quit looking at the menu of all the other things that the world affords and follow the words of Jesus closely.

Why don't you pick a couple of things from above and resolutely set out to accomplish them. Set in motion a decision that you will not allow the world to change. You may be amazed at the blessings that come when we decide to take Jesus seriously and do what he says.

In His Love,
Pastor Aaron

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