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I know that there are lots of important places on the web where you could be. This isn't one of the nicest or most thought provoking but it is a place where you can find balance in your daily life. So take some time away from a hectic world and spend some time adding stability to your day.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ice Cream Good; Fish Fettuccini Bad

We had another great day!  It rained while we were inside and sunshine when we were out.We are ending our time in Rome and heading to Greece.  But I wanted to send you a couple of pictures of Rome before we left. Know this; if you come to Rome, eat gelato (ice cream) 3 times a day! But stay away from the seafood fettuccine! the shrimp has heads on it the clams are in the shells, and it smells like the slime on a dead fish. LOL!

Below is a picture of me at the House of Vestal Virgins.  Peggy let me go there unsupervised! LOL!!!

Never thought I would see the Colosseum. Tens of thousands of Christians lost their lives here.

This is the Pantheon.  Pan means all. Theos means God.  Thus the house of all Gods. After Constantine, this 142 foot high temple became a house of worship. the gods were removed and the one true living God became king of this palace. It is my prayer that we can remove the Pantheon of gods from our hearts and allow in the one true living God!

Tomorrow--we will see you in Greece. Love you all, Aaron

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